Corn Patent Information System (CPIS) is a web-based query system designed to allow users to obtain information from the underlying maize patent and PVP database using a set of query parameters designed to provide reports specific to the query(s) made. An overview report is produced for a given query, and drill-down information is provided (as available) for each specific entry in the report. Information is available for:
- Variety name
- U.S. patent number
- PVP certificate number
- ATCC accession number of inbred or hybrid varieties
- Patent and/or PVP certificate assignee (owner of the patent or PVP)
- Patent application, issue, and expiration dates
- PVP application, issue, and expiration dates
- Relative maturity
- Heterotic classification of inbred varieties
- Parental pedigree of inbred varieties
- Male or female use of inbred varieties
- Other inbred varieties with which to cross to make hybrids
- Disclosed name of hybrids made with inbred varieties
- Female (seed) and male (pollen) parents of patented hybrid
- Hybrids with a common parent
The underlying database for this web site is updated weekly, which means you have continuous up-to-date access to maize patent and PVP information. Free limited trial subscription service is available to provide an opportunity to become familiar with the system before fully subscribing to CPIS service. Trial subscription allows access to a portion of the information available in the database. Full access to the complete Corn Patent Information Service database requires a paid membership subscription. Go to NEW REGISTRATION for direction on how to subscribe to all the features of Corn Patent Information Service.
To use the search features of this web site, go to the menu tab MAKE AN INFORMATION SEARCH, and click on one of the items from the dropdown sub-menu pertaining to the kind of information that you are searching. (Often the same information may be obtainable via more than one of the sub-menu tabs!). Most sub-menu tabs contain several query option boxes. The steps for making a query are very simple.
- Choose a query tab from the dropdown sub-menu of Make a Search.
- Put query information into any or all boxes, or don’t put information into any boxes at all.
- Then click SEARCH. Results for your search are displayed on a summary screen.
- Click View Details on the right side of summary to open a screen displaying more detailed information regarding that particular entry in the summary screen.
It is strongly suggested that you read the Make an Information Search instruction page and the Definitions and Information page before completing any corn patent searches, in order to allow you to better understand the specific information obtained from your search. Don’t worry, both pages are fairly short. Happy corn patent information searching!