Searchable Maize and Corn Patent Data

Subscription Levels

Welcome to Corn Patent Information System. We hope you enjoy your visit. This system is designed to provide a wide variety of information pertaining to corn (maize) patents granted and corn PVP (Plant Variety Protection) certificates published in the USA. There is currently information in this database for more than 4000 maize inbred varieties, 2000 maize hybrid varieties, and a small number of maize synthetic varieties.

The raw information source for this database derives from patent publications of the US patent and trademark office and PVP publications of the US plant variety protection office. Upon extraction and compilation of raw data from these publications, extensive analysis of compiled data provides valuable information regarding genetic background and relationships among various hybrid and inbred corn varieties.

Accessible information from the corn patent database includes such information as:

  • Patented or PVP-protected variety name,
  • Patent and/or PVP number
  • Pedigree or parentage of varieties
  • Heterotic classification
  • Hybrids with common parentage
  • Application, publication, and expiration dates of patents and PVP-certificates
  • Much more.

Information is accessible via simple user-specified query parameters. These parameters allow information reports to be generated on an overview level as well as a drill-down level of information. Please log in to get a feel for the features and values available from this web site. You will be pleased with its simplicity and functionality, and the information available. The underlying database for this web site is updated weekly, which means you have continuous up-to-date access to corn patent and PVP information. Free limited trial subscription service is available to provide an opportunity to become familiar with the system before fully subscribing to CPIS service.

Level Price  
15 Day Trial


Membership expires after 15 Days.

6 Month Subscription

$150.00 every 6 Months.

Membership expires after 6 Months.

12 Month Subscription

$270.00 per Year.

Membership expires after 12 Months.
